Let’s get started 🎉🎉
1. Login here: https://min.teoriundervisning.dk
2. Use your mobilenumber to login (no passwaord etc needed)
Chat support
If you need help using the website, then just go to our Chat Support here. Academic questions must be directed to your driving instructor.
NEW! Virtuel AI driving instructor
When you are logged in to our site, we have set up an AI robot that knows all the driving theory and knows a lot about the theory tests. We continuously train the virtual driving instructor so that it gets better all the time!
When time runs out (extension)
We have made it easy for you to extend your access to Easypiecy. When your subscription is about to expire, you will receive an email where you can extend with a good discount.
If you’re a iPhone / iPad user
Then we can offer you to download our app here in the App Store. The app is still in Beta version, and is therefore not fully developed yet, but we are working on it 🙂